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About Natural Wax Candles


Beeswax is the building material of the honeybee which they use to make honeycomb. It is secreted by worker honeybees from four pairs of glands on the underside of their abdomen. The bees only produce wax when they are producing honey. Because the bees use honey to obtain energy to produce the wax, beekeepers put the sheets of beeswax into the hives allowing the bees to produce more honey for us all to enjoy.

Beeswax as Candles

Beeswax candles burn brighter, longer, and cleaner than any other candle! The flame emits essentially the same light spectrum as the sun and in the process of burning emits, negative ions that are known to clean the air and invigorate the body (reportedly, stimulating the pituitary gland thus increasing creativity, intuition and dream activity). These negative ions help rid the air of pollen, dust, mould, toxins and many other pollutants. This feature makes beeswax candles ideal for allergy sufferers.

Cleaning the Air by Burning Beeswax Candles

Air contains billions of electrically charged particles called ions. Ions act upon our capacity to absorb and utilise oxygen, and therefore cause powerful effects on our lives and well being. The ions in the air can affect our mood, energy and health. Negative ions actually feel good. Too many positive ions can make us feel low and they are loaded down with pollution and allergens that are drawn to them and suspended in the air. Negative ions, on the other hand, will remove the pollution and allergens from positive ions, allowing them to drop harmlessly to the ground.

Non-toxic and non-carcinogenic, beeswax candles release negative ions when burned. Anything floating in the air around you is doing so because it is positively charged. This includes food, garbage, and pet odours, toxic emissions from household furnishings, dust, and even viruses and bacteria. Negative ions released from beeswax candles bind with positive ions in the air to create a complete molecule. As a result, positive ions carrying dust, mould, odours and toxins become heavier and fall to the ground.

Over time, beeswax produces a natural tannin that coats the surface with a whitish film called "bloom." This can be dissolved by gently passing a blow-dryer over the surface, or rubbing the surface with your finger. Apply the natural residue on your finger underneath your eyes or on your hands as a healthy skin moisturiser!

Rapeseed Wax

Rapeseed is a completely natural and sustainable material. It has superior ‘green credentials’ with no issues of intensive farming, deforestation or GMO presence. It has been grown in the UK & Europe for hundreds of years as animal feed and as a 'waste' crop to protect and improve soil for future crops.

It is available as a renewable wax refined in the UK from non-genetically modified rapeseed grown here and in Europe. It is made from the rapeseed oil, contains no hazardous ingredients and is not harmful to the environment. On the contrary, Rapeseed helps and protects the soil for future crops whilst the plant produces oil and animal feed.

The wax is non-hazardous to humans and wildlife and has a smaller carbon footprint than, say, soy wax as it is grown, and processed, nearer to home.

This wax is one of the later additions to the candle mediums available at Candle Cavern and, as a wax medium, it develops and continues the stance at the Candle Cavern of producing high quality pure natural candles. It must be close to one of the most environmentally friendliest candle waxes you can use due to it source, sustainability, renewability and low carbon footprint.

Soy Wax

Soy Wax is (now) an established candle wax often used either on its own or blended with other waxes to produce candles and melts. The wax is made from the soybean and is a sustainable and renewable resource being completely natural and biodegradable.

It is a vegetable wax that is made from the oil of soybeans. Once harvested, the beans are cleaned, cracked and the hulls removed. They are then rolled into flakes after which the oil is extracted and hydrogenated making it a solid at room temperature.

Much of the soy wax nowadays comes from the USA although the EU also produces this wax giving it a far less carbon footprint than the alternatives.

Using soy wax will promote growth and care of the environment by utilising plants that are a renewable resource and therefore can contribute to reduce our longstanding dependence on crude oil (paraffin candles).

Generally, soy wax candles will burn cooler than many other candles waxes and this will increase the candle life by burning longer.

This is a very flexible wax and offers opportunities to have clean burning candles. We do not scent any of our candles here and offer them to provide natural light and heat.